Common Direction Naming Conventions
Belt drives can be oriented in any direction and thereby require a directional convention. The convention shown here has been adopted for some very simple reasons which help illustrate not only its usefulness but the importance of conventions in general:
  • Reason #1: The belt (reaction) forces are usually directed in-line (parallel) with the belts.
  • Reason #2:In order to capture these belt related vibrations and separate closely matched frequencies, higher resolution readings are set up in the database parallel to the belts. Details of this subject - spectrum resolution - are covered in the "Spectrum" section.
  • Reason #3: To make it easier to both set up the database and to analyze collected data, these higher resolution readings are always taken horizontally.
For these reasons, a convention is used that defines "parallel to the belts" as horizontal is used. By default, that leaves the measurement taken perpendicular to the belts defined as Vertical. By adopting this convention, both collection and analysis are simplified - a stated objective of using conventions.