Using Time Domain Plots To Find:
Impacts Created by Bearing Defects
An impact can occur due to a number of different problems - bearing defects being #1 on the list (most common and most important). But because of exactly how the FFT works, the impact frequency gets filtered out of the displacement, velocity or acceleration spectra. Figure 1 shows a outer race defect occurring on a bearing rotating about 1200 rpm.

Figure 1 - A Signal Showing An Impact Occurring
But why does the impact frequency get filtered out ? It is simply because there is no sinusoid at the impact frequency (no sinusoid associated with the rate at which the impacts are occurring). The only sinusoids present are:
  • The 1x rpm sinusoid (we see 3+ cycles of that);
  • The sinusoid associated with the ringdown occurring just after the impact occurs (similar to a bell ringing down after being struck).
So how does the FFT process the signal shown ? The 1x rpm sinusoid is no problem but how does it account for the periodic impacts occurring ?