What Is An "Enveloping Spectra" Plot ?
Y-Axis Units:
X-Axis Units:
Frequency (cpm or Hz)
  • The term "enveloping" spectra plot is not always a technically correct description of the signal processing involved but will be the term we use for simplicity sake.
  • An enveloping spectra is the same in appearance (amplitude vs. frequency) as a conventional spectrum - it simply displays different information.
  • An enveloping spectra is not sensitive to sinusoidal motion - unlike the FFT plot that determines what simple sinusoids combined to generate a complex signal in displacement, velocity or acclereration units.
  • An enveloping spectra is sensitive to impact related events.
  • The ability to quantify both the frequency of impacts and their intensity is very helpful and important to the vibration analyst. Although there are machines that generate impact energy normally (i.e. reciprocating equipment), most machines don't. Impacts are destructive forces and normally indicate some type of problem is developing. Most typically, this plot is used to detect bearing defects.